Thursday, September 15, 2011

Chef Klumpitize

Alright so I've got numerous requests to post new recipes (turns out epic nachos were epic) so here is another trademarked dish of my own!

Cheesy-buffalo-potato-maddness 1337

This recipe is quick, easy, and has very little clean up.

-buy roughly 12-18 boneless wings from any wing restaurant.

-smash the wings and line the bottom of a 9x9 pan

-cook any type of potato (this picture uses hand-cut 
potatoes, my favorite is either tater tots or wedges)*

-top the pan lined with wings with the cooked potatoes and evenly distribute them.

-cover with a truckload of cheese until you cannot see the potatoes.

-place in the oven on the lowest temperature until cheese melts

*Try with different wing sauces. I started with mild, but the next time I make this I am getting garlic-parm ones!

**do not use mashed potatoes.... bad idea

This recipe i made today. It took roughly 30 minutes and it is really good!!!

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