"Are you kidding me??? You seriously want to do that?"
"Yah, It'll be fun! Stop overreacting..."*
Sometimes in life we get so caught up with living in the moment that we forget to think about the future. Usually, this means that you're so distracted from a certain emotion that you can only dwell on the present.
In my generation, the phrase, "because we might not get tomorrow," is becoming more and more popular.** It's in songs, TV shows, and said by everyone who needs a crappy excuse for what they're doing. My age group basically decided that we don't care about our future as long as we are happy now.
Consequences (that are not immediate) are usually disregarded by people consumed with the present. I am guilty of this, and I am pretty sure most people would go back and do something different if they could. The key is to keep in mind the future. It's what you make of it.
This week, I was asked, "What would you go back in time and do differently?" I responded after thinking a moment with, "A lot..."*** Bringing up the past in people's lives usually doesn't spark happiness, because a lot of peoples' pasts are filled with guilt or bad memories. Especially in my generation.
The future is something to look forward to, not fear. The easiest way of doing this is remembering the small things that you enjoy. For me it's things like cookie dough, jet skiing in Michigan, and the cruise I'm going on in June.
Focusing on the small happy things will make you happier too. Something I am currently excited about is that the NBA season is almost over because I'm tired of listening to/ looking at Lebron James.
It is true that the future is what you make of it, and you can't change the past. If someone could invent a time machine asap, that would be great!****
*Conversation between me and someone else about 2 months ago.
** "Tonight"- Enrique Iglesias
***Following this statement was a list of idiotic things I've done in my past.
****Dinosaurs... Jesus... All wonderful time travel sights to see. If I could have a pet dino my life would have a whole new meaning! I wouldn't want to stay long, living without electricity has never sounded appealing to me.
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