Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Life Diet?!

Earlier I was approached this week with someone saying, "Hey Nate, looks like you lost weight." To which i responded with my usual reply of, "Nope." It's called moderation everyone. Find a weight range you like and stick too it. Mine is 190-220 and I don't care who knows.

My biggest pet peeve is TV and magazines telling girls that they need to weigh approximately 0 pounds in order to be happy or attractive.* Also, if you are a girl looking in a magazine and think a model beautiful because of how skinny she is, don't try to look like her, Photoshop is real. You don't need to be skinny to be beautiful. Girls today are obsessed with the topic of losing weight. They also spend more time talking about it then actually trying to.

If you're concerned about your weight, stop crying about it to your friends and find a sport you enjoy, or work out. Don't diet because that never works. The only dieting method that truly works 100% of the time for everyone is stop eating fast food and start drinking water.** It's your life. Figure out how to be happy with it.

Men have it easy in this category because it is a lot easier for us to lose weight.*** Thankfully landscaping is a job that requires a lot of physical activity, so for the summer I don't have to think twice about my weight... unless I get too skinny that is.

*Fact: America has an obesity problem. That's a whole other topic though....

** Fact: Diets are a step towards eating disorders. I have had friends that started dieting then ended up starving themselves. If you are considering dieting, try balancing how much you eat compared to the amount of physical activity you do, this will prevent you from gaining more. And even though it sucks, hit the gym and start running.

*** Don't ask me why, I am not a doctor.

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