You must not live in Indiana or Illinois if you are saying this phrase... well at least for 8 out of the 12 months in a year. Everyone (including myself) complains about the weather where I live.
When people come home from a trip south, immediately people ask how the weather was. I think their ridiculous tan/sunburn should answer that question.* Then we get jealous that they've spent the last week in 80-90 degree weather while it's in the 50's and raining here.
If you're one of the people who has lived somewhere else and always talks about how much nicer it was where you used to live, then here's an idea: move back! Don't complain to me because I don't control the weather.
People that live near Chicago need to be thankful for where we live because we have the Dunes, unlike states like Iowa and Nebraska.** Having a good beach nearby is needed in order to sustain an enjoyable summer. During the 4 months of decent weather we can actually enjoy ourselves while people from Iowa and Nebraska just get to sweat harder while they farm.
Also, the amount of tornado warnings in Valparaiso is ridiculous. If you aren't willing to put up with the fact that we live in tornado ally then move, because they're just going to keep coming. If you are really concerned, get a basement and insurance, you'll be fine.***
*Seriously? Do you really think someone who just went to Florida for spring break was in terrible weather the entire time?
**What the heck do people do for fun in those states anyway?
***If you can't afford insurance, you can always put up plywood on your windows to calm your paranoia.
When people come home from a trip south, immediately people ask how the weather was. I think their ridiculous tan/sunburn should answer that question.* Then we get jealous that they've spent the last week in 80-90 degree weather while it's in the 50's and raining here.
If you're one of the people who has lived somewhere else and always talks about how much nicer it was where you used to live, then here's an idea: move back! Don't complain to me because I don't control the weather.
People that live near Chicago need to be thankful for where we live because we have the Dunes, unlike states like Iowa and Nebraska.** Having a good beach nearby is needed in order to sustain an enjoyable summer. During the 4 months of decent weather we can actually enjoy ourselves while people from Iowa and Nebraska just get to sweat harder while they farm.
Also, the amount of tornado warnings in Valparaiso is ridiculous. If you aren't willing to put up with the fact that we live in tornado ally then move, because they're just going to keep coming. If you are really concerned, get a basement and insurance, you'll be fine.***
*Seriously? Do you really think someone who just went to Florida for spring break was in terrible weather the entire time?
**What the heck do people do for fun in those states anyway?
***If you can't afford insurance, you can always put up plywood on your windows to calm your paranoia.